If you're fortunate enough to be asked to introduce a speaker, relish the power this gives you to set the stage for the entire presentation.
The normal routine is for the introducer to read fact after boring fact from a speaker's bio, with little eye contact or inflection, perhaps even stumble over the speaker's name, and then withdraw with relief.
Not only does this type of introduction not benefit the speaker, it doesn't create any enthusiasm or anticipation in the audience.
Here, then, are five steps to turn your introduction from boring to breathtaking:
- Prepare What You're Going To Say :: Don't wait until minutes before the introduction to scribble a few notes or read for the first time something the presenter has prepared. If the speaker has written an introduction for herself, get it in advance so you can read through it several times to familiarize yourself. If it's too long or too boring, let the speaker know that you will be modifying it slightly.
- Be Brief :: Your job is to build interest and anticipation and leave the audience eager for the presentation to begin so keep your introduction to under a minute. We generally have an inaccurate sense of how long something takes, so time your remarks to be sure you're in that 30 second to one minute range.
- Make It Relevant :: Whether you're editing what the speaker gave you or creating your own introduction, include information that is relevant to the audience. Answer the questions "Why this speaker?" "Why this topic?" instead of reeling off degrees, job titles and awards. Unless the presentation is about marriage and families, the audience probably doesn't care that the speaker is married to the former Sally Jones and has two delightful children. Highlight aspects of the speaker's background and accomplishments that will pique the interest of the audience. The very act of saying out-of-the-ordinary things in the introduction will cause the audience to listen attentively.
- Pronounce the Speaker's Name Correctly :: Determine the correct pronunciation of the speaker's name and then practice it several times so it feels comfortable. Write it out phonetically [RYE FEN STINE] at the top of your notes so it will be visible as you're speaking.
- Be Confident :: Your introduction will most certainly affect the mood in the room so walk confidently to the front and speak loudly enough that everyone can hear. Ensure you have everyone's attention before you begin speaking. Make plenty of eye contact with the audience while you are reading the introduction, which won't be a problem if you've familiarized yourself enough with it. And don't forget to smile, showing the audience that you're happy to be there and looking forward to the presentation.
What other techniques have you used or seen used when introducing a speaker?
Photo Credit:
flickr/EIFF's photostream C.C. 2.0
Hi Fred,
Thanks so much for stopping by and adding a comment. Your advice is spot on.
And I love your metaphor of the king and his trumpeters!
I think the biggest challenge is to get the introducer to rehearse the introduction -- or at least read it through a few times before standing in front of an audience. Unfortunately this is the part we speakers have the least control over.
Posted by: Kathy Reiffenstein | April 27, 2011 at 08:16 AM
Thanks for the Post, Kathy.
The Introduction is an integral part of the presentation.
The speaker should wrote their own and it should, as you said answer the three Whys?
Why this subject?
Why this speaker?
Why now?
It is the king's trumpeters announcing the king!
Review, and even role play the Introduction with the emcee.
Bring an extra copy in case they forget to bring it or there is a change in emcees.
Posted by: Fred E. Miller | April 16, 2011 at 04:51 PM
Thanks for your comment and for sharing the link to your post. Very good points about the logistics -- things the audience may well wonder about and could distract them from paying full attention.
And I love your intro example!! How funny in a bizarre sort of way. Bet that got the audience's attention!!
Posted by: Kathy Reiffenstein | April 05, 2011 at 04:25 PM
Hi Rich,
Thanks for your comment.
I totally agree with you. What can a speaker be thinking to leave an intro to someone who may not know what to say or may be a terrible speaker??!
Hopefully if both speaker and introducer can be more aware of their responsibilities, our audiences will benefit.
Posted by: Kathy Reiffenstein | April 05, 2011 at 04:22 PM
Hi Heather,
I like your formula -- sort of builds suspense. And also provides a good way of "ending" the intro rather than just sort of stumbling around or reverting to the "without further ado" which is so cliched
And yes, I should wear the phonetic spelling of my name pinned to my chest because rarely does anyone pronounce it correctly! According to my husband, to whom the name belongs, its origin is Danish.
Posted by: Kathy Reiffenstein | April 05, 2011 at 04:18 PM
The most out-of the-ordinary introduction I’ve heard, about a female science professor, was:
“...years ago when an introducer informed the audience that I had killed one of my advisers. The introducer explained that my research had disproved part of my adviser's lifework, and the shock had killed him.” It comes from this article: http://chronicle.com/article/Speaking-of-Speaking/48790/
Unless there is a written program that still is correct, the introduction also should mention how long the speech will be, and how questions will be handled. I mentioned both these points in my longest post about introductions here: http://joyfulpublicspeaking.blogspot.com/2009/09/introducing-speaker.html
Posted by: Richard I. Garber | April 04, 2011 at 02:48 PM
Excellent points for the introducers who are put in this position far too often. Speakers who don't prepare their own intro, and coach the introducer ahead of time, if at all possible, generally get what they deserve...
Posted by: Rich Hopkins | March 31, 2011 at 09:44 PM
Well put, Kathy! I like to reveal the speaker's name last: starting with "Our speaker this evening..". and ending with "please join me in welcoming Dr. Jane So-and-So". I find it a useful formula. Oh, and I'm glad to finally know how to pronounce YOUR name! (Reef? Rife? Steen? Stine?) I'm lucky. You can't go too wrong with good old "Stubbs"! :)
Posted by: Heather Stubbs | March 31, 2011 at 04:50 PM